iWeb keeps all of the files in a file titled Domain.sites2 that is located in your Users/Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder. The html files do not exist until you publish them from iWeb either directly to the FTP server (iWeb 3 only) or to a folder on the hard drive (iWeb 2) and upload them with a 3rd party FTP client.
While iWeb may be unavailable on the Mac App Store, it's still currently sold in boxed editions of the iLife ’11 suite. This summer, the app was updated to version 3.0.4, and will presumably. The latest version of Multisite for iWeb is 3.1 on Mac Informer. It is a perfect match for Webmaster in the Developer Tools category. The app is developed by Clarkwood Software, LLC. Gta 5 Download Free Mac Full Version. Browse Downloads by Product. Apr 08, 2015 Can I still download the official iWeb app for my iMac? However as you said, it is impossible for me to download iWeb onto my mac now. Customization of the templates is quite easy, using drag-and-drop. Add blogs and podcasts to your site with a click!
The key file you need to use and backup is the Domain.sites2 file.
Iweb Alternative For Mac
In Lion and Mountain Lion the Home/Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and press the Return key - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
To open your domain file in Lion or Mountain Lionor to switch between multiple domain files Cyclosaurus has provided us with the following script that you can make into an Applescript application with Script Editor. Open Script Editor, copy and paste the script below into Script Editor's window and save as an application.
do shell script '/usr/bin/defaults write com.apple.iWeb iWebDefaultsDocumentPath -boolean no'delay 1
tellapplication 'iWeb' toactivate
You can download an already compiled version with this link:iWeb Switch Domain.

Just launch the application, find and select the domain file in your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder that you want to open and it will open with iWeb. It modifies the iWeb preference file each time it's launched so one can switch between domain files.
WARNING: iWeb Switch Domain will overwrite an existing Domain.sites2 file if you select to create a new domain in the same folder. So rename your domain files once they've been created to something other than the default name.

Jun 4, 2013 11:16 AM
In what has become almost a yearly tradition for iWeb users when Apple releases a new version of its Mac Operating System there’s always the possibility that iWeb will no longer function with the new OS. This possibility arose again earlier this week with the release of macOS Mojave to the public. Apple is currently transitioning macOS to work with only 64 bit applications but iWeb is only a 32 bit application first created in 2006. iWeb’s last update was to version 3.0.4 in July 2011. Seven years is a long time in the world of Tech.
Why is iWeb Affected?
Apple signposted the end of 32 bit application support in its WWDC stating that macOS Mojave will be the last macOS to support 32 bit apps. macOS Mojave will warn you when you launch a 32 bit app that it is not optimized for your Mac and should be updated. As Apple discontinued iWeb in 2011 there won’t be any new iWeb updates.
Apple Iweb
Whilst macOS high Sierra only showed a one time message when opening a 32 bit app, macOS Mojave will show you the warning message every 30 days when launching apps such as iWeb. In this way Apple is trying to remind and encourage app users to either update their app software or find suitable alternatives.
When does support for 32 bit Apps end?
Whilst Apple states that the transition from 32 bit to 64 bit apps is still underway, it does not commit to any firm dates as to when support for 32 bit apps will cease. However, indicating that macOS Mojave is the last OS to support 32 bit apps seems to indicate that there is about a year to go until new versions of macOS will support only 64 bit apps.
Can I still use iWeb today on macOS Mojave
Yes you can still use iWeb today with macOS Mojave. It even exists with no problem in macOS Mojave’s new Dark Mode. However the the same caveats as they do with macOS High Sierra. You may find that after publishing your website the app crashes. Make sure you save and backup your work regularly just in case your iWeb project gets corrupted in the process. iWeb website data is stored in a file called domain.sites2. This file is located in your user library in the path: Home Folder/Library/Application Support/iWeb.
When using iWeb under macOS Mojave you may now find that fonts used in iWeb Templates, such as Handwriting-Dakota, are no longer available in the OS. You’ll see a warning box displayed if any fonts have been removed. If you have access to the font files you can use Font Book to reinstall them on your Mac. Don’t forget to quit and relaunch iWeb after installing fonts.
Iweb Download
What Next for iWeb Users?
With only about a year left of 32 bit support, now is a good time to be thinking about transitioning to a new website development tool. As always we recommend EverWeb as it’s the spiritual successor to iWeb sharing a familiar to iWeb user interface, blogging and there’s also a migration service where the EverWeb Team will convert your exiting iWeb site in to an EverWeb project. If you’re interested in a quote for this service just fill out the iWeb to EverWeb Contact Form.
Iweb For Mac
So now is a great time to transition or even just try out the free to use download version of EverWeb.